Radar Concerti: le nuove date dei dei prossimi concerti - Human Tetris, Still Corners, Blank Banshee (annullato), Tr/St, Django Django

Radar Concerti, ecco le nuove date dei dei prossimi concerti - Human Tetris, Still Corners, Blank Banshee (annullato), Tr/St, Django Django. Radar Concerti presenta le nuove date dei prossimi concerti di Human Tetris, Still Corners, Tr/St, oltre all'annullamento della data di Blank Banshee ai Magazzini Generali di Milano del 29 novembre. Radar Concerti annuncia inoltre il rinvio a data da destinarsi del concerto di Django Django, inizialmente programmato il 16 novembre. I biglietti già acquistati rimarranno validi per la nuova data,
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Radar Concerti
Le nuove date dei prossimi concerti targati Radar Concerti.
Human Tetris, Still Corners, Blank Banshee (annullato), Tr/St, Django Django
Radar Concerti presenta le nuove date dei prossimi concerti di Human Tetris, Still Corners, Tr/St, oltre all'annullamento della data di Blank Banshee ai Magazzini Generali di Milano del 29 novembre: "due to the unpredictable nature of the ongoing pandemic the ‘Blank Banshee Gaia Tour’ will not proceed as planned this year".
Radar Concerti annuncia inoltre il rinvio a data da destinarsi del concerto di Django Django, inizialmente programmato il 16 novembre:
"Hello everyone – With heavy hearts we have to let you know we won’t be able to play for you across the UK & Europe this autumn as planned. We were optimistic when we put these dates on sale, but the ongoing Covid situation continues to create far too many uncertainties for us and our crew to feel confident we will be allowed to cross borders and actually perform for you as we want to. As such, we’ve decided to make the very difficult call to postpone the upcoming dates until we know they can take place as planned.
For those who have bought tickets your ticket seller will contact you about options to hold on to tickets for the rescheduled shows or refunds.
We’re genuinely gutted not to be able to play our new album for you over the next few months, but we’ll be back as soon as we possibly can! Other much better news in the shape of new music is coming from us over the coming weeks so keep your eyes open for that! Love as always" – Dd X
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(entro 15 giorni dall'annuncio della nuova data)
Human Tetris
16/04/2022 - Biko, Milano https://link.dice.fm/bzIFyHHCgeb
17/04/2022 - CAP10100, Torino https://link.dice.fm/sQ1tHfAYvjb
18/04/2022 - Monk, Roma https://link.dice.fm/DDxDNsZDgeb
19/04/2022 - Locomotiv club, Bologna https://link.dice.fm/tYDZxGdEgeb
Still Corners
20/04/2022 - Circolo Magnolia, Milano https://link.dice.fm/KdYe9MPDcdb
23/05/2022 - Magazzini Generali, Milano https://link.dice.fm/jyrI0dQve9
Info: https://www.facebook.com/radarconcerti -