Chasny, Beauchamp, Pagliero, Palumbo's COYPU live in Italy: Rimini, Primo Piano e Torino, Blah Blah

Chasny, Beauchamp, Pagliero, Palumbo's COYPU live in Italy: Rimini, Primo Piano e Torino, Blah Blah

O.F.F. Studio - Torino booking+management dept. 


COYPU live in concerto

- 27 Giugno

Primo Piano, Rimini

(anteprima mondiale/ worldwide live premiere. info Neon Caffe Rimini)

- 28 Giugno


Coypu è la nuova band formata da Ben Chasny (ovvero Six Organs of Admittance, anche membro di Rangda, Comets on Fire, Badgerlore, 200 Years, ...), Paul Beauchamp, Daniele Pagliero e Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo (Larsen, ( r )/ R in parentheses, Almagest!, Blind Cave Salamander...)

Intrecci di chitarra, synth, bassi profondi, sega e dulcimer per paesaggi sonori dai toni psichedelici ispirati alla vita fluviale delle nutrie dalle quali il gruppo prende il nome.

I concerti di Rimini (27 Giugno) e Torino (28 Giugno) saranno I primi in assoluto della band che presenterà l’ep di debutto “Of Tails and Whiskers” in uscita per la nuova etichetta italiana Neon Caffè Produzioni al quale seguirà entro fine anno un album per la prestigiosa etichetta inglese MIE Music


The Coypu (from the Mapudungun koypu) also known as the River Rat and Nutria, is a large, herbivorous, semiaquatic rodent and the only member of the family Myocastoridae. 

Originally native to subtropical and temperate South America, it has since been introduced to North America,Europe, Asia and Africa primarily by fur ranchers.

Although it is still valued for its fur in some regions, its destructive feeding and burrowing behaviors make this invasive species a pest throughout most of its range. 

Coypus live in burrows alongside stretches of water. They feed on river plants, and waste close to 90% of the plant material while feeding on the stems.

COYPU is also the musical project born from the European-American friendship between Ben Chasny (of Six Organs of Admittance, Badgerlore, 200 Years, Rangda), Paul Beauchamp (Blind Cave Salamander, Almagest!), Fabrizio Modonese Palumbo (Blind Cave Salamander, Almagest!, ( r ), Larsen) and Daniele “Lo Dev Alm” Pagliero.

Subtle electronics and drones, psychedelic guitar lines and the melancholic sound of the Appalachian Dulcimer and musical saw merge into desertic, watery and evocative soundscapes.

Coypu will start to manifest itself publicly in the Summer 2015 with a series of shows as well as with an ep and a full length album to be respectively released on new italian label Neon Produzioni and the prestigious London based MIE.









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