The Fleshtones “The Kings of Garage Rock”, 40 th. anniversario in concerto a Torino, Blah Blah

The Fleshtones “The Kings of Garage Rock”, 40 th. anniversario in concerto a Torino, Blah Blah

The Fleshtones “The Kings of Garage Rock”, 40 th. anniversario arrivano al Blah Blah di Torino (Ingresso 10 euro, in abbonamento con i Supersuckers il giorno prima 17 euro!)

Blah Blah e Otis tour


Mercoledì 5 dicembre ore 22.00 

The Fleshtones (Usa,“The King of Garage Rock), 40 Th Anniversary Tour

arrivano al Blah Blah di Torino

Ingresso 10 euro

in abbonamento con i Supersuckers il giorno prima 17 euro!

Blah Blah, via Po 21, 10124 Torino

Info: 392 704 5240 - Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Since 1976, The Fleshtones have been blending R&R and R&B, serving it across the globe with smiles, attitude, and sweat, & calling it SUPER ROCK!


The Fleshtones are Peter Zaremba (vocals, harmonica, & organ), Keith Streng (guitar & vocals), Bill Milhizer (drums & vocals), and Ken Fox (bass & vocals). Based in Brooklyn, New York, the quartet's origins lie just a few miles north in Queens, where in 1975 Streng and original bass player Marek Pakulski rented "The House," as it was infamously known, and found instruments down in the basement. To quote Keith: "How and why The Fleshtones started was that there was a place to do it!" Countless "Blue Whale Bashes," Lower East Side sightings, and an endless string of gigs and records later, The Fleshtones continue to record and perform with a wit, passion, and energy that few bands can top.




Portale Musicale dal 2004

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